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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - rare


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Перевод с английского языка rare на русский

1) благородный 2) разведенный 3) разреженный 4) редкий theory of rare phenomena — теория редких явлений trace rare metalрассеянный редкий металл - rare gas - rare medium - rare subset
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  прил. 1) редкий, необычный 2) превосходный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. редкий, разреженный; негустой, неплотный rare atmosphere —- разреженная атмосфера rare mixture —- авт. бедная (рабочая) смесь a few rare trees here and there —- несколько разбросанных там и сям деревьев 2. редко встречающийся, редкий; малораспространенный rare postage stamps —- редкие почтовые марки rare object —- редкость, раритет a rare occurence —- редкий случай; малораспространенное явление it is rare (a rare thing) for him to do that —- он редко так поступает 3. разг. редкостный, исключительный, необычайный rare courage —- редкостное (исключительное) мужество rare scholar —- ученый каких мало, выдающийся ученый a person of rare charm —- человек, обладающий необычайным обаянием; на редкость обаятельный человек to have a rare time —- на редкость хорошо (на славу) провести время she is a rare beauty —- она на редкость (необычайно) красива you gave me a rare fright —- вы меня перепугали насмерть he is a rare one to do the job —- он самый подходящий человек для этого дела; таких поискать 4. эмоц-усил. исключительно, на редкость a rare fine view —- на редкость красивый вид 5. недожаренный; полусырой (особ. о мясе) rare roast beef —- ростбиф с кровью ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  eggs obs. яйца всмятку RARE I  1. adj.  1) редкий, разреженный, негустой; the rare atmosphere of the mountain tops - разреженный воздух на горных вершинах - rare gas  2) редкий, необычный, необыкновенный  3) coll. исключительно хороший, замечательный, превосходный; - have a rare time - have a rare fun Syn: see occasional  2. adv. coll. исключительно; a rare fine view - исключительно, на редкость красивый вид II adj. недожаренный, недоваренный (о мясе); - rare eggs RARE gas chem. инертный газ ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. adj. (rarer, rarest) 1 seldom done or found or occurring, uncommon, unusual, few and far between. 2 exceptionally good (had a rare time). 3 of less than the usual density, with only loosely packed substance (the rare atmosphere of the mountain tops). Phrases and idioms rare bird = RARA AVIS. rare earth 1 a lanthanide element. 2 an oxide of such an element. rare gas = noble gas. Derivatives rareness n. Etymology: ME f. L rarus 2. adj. (rarer, rarest) (of meat) underdone. Etymology: var. of obs. rear half-cooked (of eggs), f. OE hrer ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rarus  Date: 14th century  1. marked by wide separation of component particles ; thin ~ air  2.  a. marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal ; distinctive  b. superlative or extreme of its kind  3. seldom occurring or found ; uncommon  Synonyms: see choice, infrequent  • ~ness noun  II. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: alteration of earlier rere, from Middle English, from Old English hrere boiled lightly; akin to Old English hreran to stir, Old High German hruoren  Date: 1784 cooked so that the inside is still red ~ roast beef ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rarer, rarest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Something that is rare is not common and is therefore interesting or valuable. ...the black-necked crane, one of the rarest species in the world... She collects rare plants... ? common ADJ 2. An event or situation that is rare does not occur very often. ...on those rare occasions when he did eat alone... Heart attacks were extremely rare in babies, he said... = uncommon ? common ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf 3. You use rare to emphasize an extremely good or remarkable quality. Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper... ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis 4. Meat that is rare is cooked very lightly so that the inside is still red. Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef... ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 not seen or found very often, or not happening very often  (This species of plant is becoming increasingly rare. | We only went to the cinema on very rare occasions. | it is rare to do sth)  (It is rare to find such an interesting group of people. | it is rare for sb/sth to do sth)  (It's very rare for her to miss a day at school.) 2 meat that is rare has only been cooked for a short time and is still red  (I like my steak rare.) 3 only before noun BrE old-fashioned unusually good or extreme  (We had a rare old time at the party.) 4 air that is rare has less oxygen than usual because it is in a high place  (- see also rarely, rarity) - rareness n  ( USAGE NOTE: RARE WORD CHOICE rare, uncommon, scarce, infrequent, unusual, rarely, scarcely Things that do not exist in large numbers or amounts, are uncommon an uncommon name/species of birds. Rare things are uncommon, and often valuable a rare hand-crafted book cover | He collects rare coins. Things that you need and are difficult to find or get, though they may at other times be available, are scarce Food is scarce in the refugee camps. | Parking spaces are scarce on Saturdays. Events that do not happen often are infrequent or rare Opportunities for promotion are rare/infrequent in this company. | the infrequent letters from her son | the rare sight of a deer grazing It is unusual and rather formal to say It is not rare to ... . People usually say uncommon or unusual or try to avoid using two negatives completely. For example, this sentence is perfectly acceptable It's not unusual to see tears at a wedding . But you could say instead You often see tears at a wedding. Rarely means 'not often' but scarcely means `hardly', or only `just' I rarely visit Houston (NOT scarcely, though you could say 'scarcely ever').| The train leaves in an hour - we've scarcely got time to pack. ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. Rare Animal Relief Effort bot. abbr. Rooted And Reaching Everywhere educ. abbr. Refocus, Action, Results, And Exceed educ. abbr. Responsible And Respectful Everyday gen. bus. abbr. Rapid Assessment Research Evaluation NASDAQ abbr. Rare Hospitality International, Inc. firm name abbr. Ropemarks Artistic Rope Exchange ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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